Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Getting Attatched

   I have finished section three of my Magical Waves stole. And as I began to attach it to section one, lo and behold, a new and exciting pattern error! This one is not nearly as bad as the error in section one. The pattern for section three has one too many repeats in it. Just do 29 repeats where the pattern calls for 30 and it should be fine. It is pretty easy to correct for the section one error when joining one and three together. All I did was add a dc to the dtr joins on the joining strip. So the pattern as I have adjusted it would read like this:

Joining Strip
Row 9: Dc in each of next 4 dc; ch 2, yo once insert hook in next free arch of section one yo and pull up a loop; yo and pull through 2 loops on hook, yo 3 times draw up loop through dc join; yo, pull through 2 loops on hook 3 times; yo,  pull through 3 remaining loops; ch 2, turn.

Row 11: Dc in each of next 4 dc; ch 2, yo 3 times pull up loop through same dc join as row 9; yo, pull through 2 loops on hook 3; yo, insert hook in next free arch on section one; yo, pull up a loop; yo, pull through 2 loops; yo, pull through 3 remaining loops.
  Other wise I have just worked the joining strip as written and it is fine. hopefully this will be my last pattern correction masquerading as a blog post. You may be thinking, "What kind of lunatic spends time crocheting and blogging about crocheting a week before they move?" The answer is: this kind of lunatic. I hope where ever you are it's not as hot as it is here!

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